Our Approach

Redefining Leadership Development

Elevating Behaviour, not Ticking Boxes

our impact system delivers results

We believe that effective leadership development isn't about education and learning; it's about the practical application of that knowledge and how improving skills & behaviours directly impacts business results.

A learning program focused on impact requires different principles than one focused on high participant satisfaction or knowledge.

Our Impact System is not just a method; it's a commitment to delivering an elevated leadership experience that drives real, meaningful & measurable change.


All programs start with discussing outcomes, objectives, and behaviours to target for the desired impact. 

Strategic Priorities

  • The organizational strategic priority underpins the need and justification for every people development program.

Desired Competencies

  • Achieving that strategic priority requires elevated competencies (or you would have achieved it already). 

Behaviour gaps

  • The gap between current behaviours and the daily habits of those who demonstrate the desired competency.


Data proves that these design principles drive approx. 12% greater adoption and 44% greater impact than traditional methods.

1:3 Ratio of Content to Context

  • Micro-content is leveraged to maximize opportunities for participants to understand how it relates to them. 

Habit Builder

  • Team members identify the habits that will advance their goals and use nudge technology to practice these new skills. 

Experiential Learning

  • Learning is accelerated through participation (‘What’), reflection (‘So What’), and practical application (‘Now What’).


With the right framework, efforts will extend over time, driving long term and sustainable change. 

Impact Reports

  • At program milestones, impact review meetings highlight real behaviour change and provide insight to inform next steps.  

Peer Conversations

  • A structured opportunity for peer networks to foster trust, collaboration, and accelerated development. 

Leadership Coaching

  • Coaching enables participants to focus on their personal leadership journey and the steps to achieve their goals.

The Best Leaders in the World have Someone to Lean on, do you?