Our Approach

Redefining Leadership Development

Elevating Behaviour, not Ticking Boxes

our impact system drives meaningful change

We believe that leadership development transcends mere knowledge acquisition; it's about the practical application of that knowledge.

A learning program focused on impact requires different principles than one focused on high participant satisfaction or knowledge.

Our Impact System is not just a method; it's a commitment to delivering an elevated leadership experience that drives real, measurable change.

Our Impact Cogs drive our mission.

Our Impact Process delivers client success.

Impact Stages

Discovery is critical to delivering a transformational experience. It involves gathering insight into your organization’s current and desired future state to identify the gaps in behaviour and competency that our roadmap will be tailored to close.


The organizational strategic priority underpins the need and justification for every people development program.


Achieving that strategic priority requires elevated competencies (or you would have achieved it already). 


The gap between current behaviours and the daily habits of those who demonstrate the desired competency.

Design shapes how effectively the change is embraced and implemented. Data shows that these design features generate, on average, 12% greater adoption and 44% greater behaviour change impact than traditional methods.


Participants engage with simple micro-content designed to promote desired behaviours, maximize discussion to motivate change and choose daily habits to bridge the session with lasting, real-world applications.

Post-session Application

Team members take ownership of their growth by deciding when, how, and why to practice new skills, supported by nudge technology to establish habits, while peer networks foster trust, collaboration, and accelerated development. 

Experiential Learning

Learners gain insight and skills through participation and observation (‘What’), reflecting on their experiences to uncover lessons (‘So What’), and applying their learning by setting goals and developing action plans (‘Now What’).

Stage 2 graphic
Stage 3 graphic

Diligence highlights the ongoing and persistent attention & effort required, over time, to achieve goals and long-term sustainable change.

Insight Reports

Prove and amplify behaviour change through metrics and real-time reporting. Irrefutable data that change is happening and valuable insight to drive next steps. 

Leadership Coaching

Coaching sessions enable participants to focus on their behaviour gaps, deepen their learning, and explore the opportunities to achieve their goals.

Leader-Led Conversations

A structured framework to effectively cascade lessons & learning throughout the organization for lasting & sustainable change.

Elevating Behaviour, not Ticking Boxes

The Best Leaders in the World have Someone to Lean on, do you?