Impact Toolkit

Designed with the End in Mind

NexLevel’s Toolkit is foundational to our programming. These assessments, profiles, and learning processes have been selected
based on science-based accuracy, day-to-day practicability, and the need for quick and effective results. 

All NexLEVEL Solutions are custom-designed to remove barriers, align with your vision, and make sustainable change easy. 

Based on Patrick Lencioni's best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, this Assessment is the definitive tool for leaders looking to overcome dysfunction and build cohesive & effective teams.

Five Dysfunctions
of a Team

Working Genius is an innovative productivity tool that helps people understand where they fit in a team, how they can add the most value, and the secret to fulfillment & satisfaction at work.

Six Types of
Working Genius

Emergenetics helps employees and teams discover their individual & collective strengths. This science-based tool provides the blueprint to greater self-awareness, communication, problem solving, and productive workplaces.

Emergenetics Profile

Highly interactive Playshops are strategically designed to challenge your team to connect, communicate, and collaborate. Research shows we learn best at play; it stimulates imagination and improves teamwork.

Team Playshop