Team Playshops

Unleash Team Potential

Meaningful Team Experiences

Research supports the value of play in learning.

Team Building Playshops stimulate our imagination, challenge our decision-making and inspire innovative problem-solving.

NexLevel Team Building Playshops provide interactive experiences for participants to explore teamwork. The perfect combination of learning & play; your team members will improve their self-awareness, better understand each other, and learn how to use each other's strengths.

The key to this process is expert facilitation; helping team members connect the dots between the activities and real life. This is not your typical cheesy team-building; participants explore real behaviours, and the underlying reasons, and take away practical & actionable lessons.

Playshops typically run 2-4 hours, virtually or in-person

Benefits for Individuals:

  • Improved self-awareness around how they behave in a team, what situations play to their strengths, and others that require more energy.
  • Insight into how their individual commitment & engagement in a team environment impact overall team success.
  • Discover how they can adapt to work more effectively with others.

Benefits for Teams:

  • Understand the fundamental building blocks that make up a healthy team.
  • Build stronger relationships, resulting in higher trust, vulnerability, and performance.
  • Understand their team dynamics and how to improve their communication, problem-solving & decision-making skills.

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