Embracing Mistakes Drives Success at Konstruct

Leadership Conversation with Amanda Thomas, Konstruct Digital

“For me, it really comes down to seeing the good in people”  A.Thomas, Konstruct Digital

NexLevel Challenge believes in building teams that work. Behind every great team is a great leader. We launched Leadership Conversations to chat with leaders who inspire us and share their stories of success and failure, so we can all learn, grow and be our best.  

We recently had the privilege of having a conversation about leadership with Amanda Thomas, Partner with Konstruct Digital

Since meeting Amanda 17 years ago, I have always known her to be a driven, committed and innovative professional. She has a strong track record of leadership success and, most recently, has grown Konstruct Digital into a market leader in Digital Marketing. 

Along with her business partner Matt, Amanda successfully manages a 5-star book of clients, a rapidly growing team and of course, keeps up with her young family at the same time!  

Amanda’s Leadership LessonsKonstruct logo

  1. The most important thing about mistakes is really embracing them.
  2. There’s something to be said for the efficiency of face to face communication.
  3. Team diversity ensures we always look at all problems through a different lens.

Read on to learn more about how Amanda & her team strive for greatness or click here to watch the interview

Tell me about Konstruct Digital and your team.

Konstruct Digital was founded in 2011. It started as a two-person business with my business partner Matt, and we now have a team of 7.

We focus on digital solutions for companies; website development & inbound growth marketing. We typically work with clients who aren’t okay with the status quo; they want to grow & get more business in the door. We help them achieve those goals through a variety of different digital platforms.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from a mistake?

I would say the most important thing about mistakes is really embracing them.

We have a tradition in our company where we wrap up our weekly meeting by having everyone honestly share a mistake they made that week. It’s not about harping on them, it’s about learning from each other so we don’t make the same mistake twice.

We actually encourage mistakes. I’m far more concerned when somebody doesn’t think they’re making mistakes than when they’re willing to admit they do.

I know some of your team members work locally and others remotely, has this caused any challenges in building your team?

Flexibility is an important core value and we understand people aren’t always 100% productive between 9-5; however, there’s something to be said for the efficiency of face to face communication. Our solution is specific core time during the week where we expect the team to be in the office and outside of that, we offer flexibility around where and how you work.

In the past, we have worked with people across the country but recently, we made a decision to hire only local core team members so they can physically work in our office. This is different than the trend many businesses are taking, yet we find so much happens when you’re face to face that it’s impossible to get the same level of communication virtually.

Innovation is one of Konstruct’s foundational building blocks; what have you done to ensure your team is able to provide innovative solutions to your clients?

I think it starts with the type of people we bring on board; we look for people with diverse backgrounds. We have a web developer who has a background in social work & many who have side hustles outside of their regular workday. This diversity among our team ensures we always look at all problems through a different lens.  

Our innovation comes from good fundamentals; varying backgrounds and a commitment to constantly evolving our skill sets and being interested in things that are outside of the scope of what we might be doing on a day to day basis.

What would you say is your personal secret to great leadership?

For me, it really comes down to seeing the good in people and understanding that everyone wants to do a good job, contribute and feel valued. What that looks like for each individual is different.

I want to provide an environment where it doesn’t matter what your personality is, you can feel success.

Thank you, Amanda, for chatting with us and for sharing your leadership insights. There are some great tips in here and I’m sure others will appreciate you sharing some of the lessons you have learned to build a team that works! 

Next Steps

If you are looking for an amazing digital marketing partner, look no further than Konstruct Digital. Check them out at https://www.konstructdigital.com/

Interested in improving your team’s performance? Take our FREE Team Satisfaction Survey to uncover how your team feels about their productivity. Sign up here.

Do you know a great leader who would be willing to share their story? We’ve love to have a Conversation! Please connect us
[email protected]

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